Use Social Networking to your advantage – Here’s How

“We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we’re going to live on the internet!” These words from the film “The Social Network” clearly make you believe that now our lives are viral, our businesses are viral, and everything is available at the click of a button. Social Networking has witnessed a…

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How to be a Millionaire in a Year.

  We are very sure you either were astonished or were put out of your slumber when you read the title. Yes that is right, we are here to find out how can one be a Millionaire in a year. First and foremost, always remember the most basic thumb rule, you want to learn lots…

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Social Media Everyday Keeps Resignation At Bay!

This is a good read for those who truly believe that keeping employees off Social Media portals boosts productivity. Here is something that may serve as an eye opener. It may just be the most fatal mistake you will ever commit. You may still disagree, so let us throw some light on why have we…

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Adios Amigos :'(

I entered Vitcom in the month of October, Hoping to learn things, which I wish to remember, It has been a learning experience, This I will not deny, The strong foundation which I have, I will not defy.   Natasha is the ace of spades, Someone with unmatched caliber, Who would protect us like a…

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The Pillar Of Strength

As I arrived late for class, I knew I was in trouble, With an assignment in my hand, I knew my dreams would collapse into a rubble.   I hopped, skipped and jumped, I ran as fast as I could, I tried convincing the rickshawalla, But, he said he wouldn’t.   I saw my favorite…

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EPL 2012 – 13 Preview

It is that time of the year when one starts to bleed Blue, Red, Yellow, White and in the colors of the team they support. Its time for the English Premier League to kick off once again. It seems like yesterday when Sergio Aguero scored the cup winner in injury time. But one can only…

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Cafe XO

I happened to visit this Restaurant yesterday and it is really FAR. Staying in Andheri, Govandi East is very very far but overall it was worth the travelling. Cafe XO located at Sai Commercial Centre is in a dingy location but once there it has a very warm, cosy and nice ambiance. With a giant screen…

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Jannat 2 – Not so Heavenly After all

When you enter the cinema hall you are filled with high hopes and aspirations considering the first Jannat was pretty likable, but this one truly disappoints. Very predictable story, Bad guy falls in love with a pretty good girl and wishes to change himself to spend the rest of his life with her and in the…

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